Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Practical framework #2

In response to Noyale's 'Practical framework' post:

To recount Noyale, the key question is to ask:
But what is involved in becoming besides oneself? In experiencing plurality? Can I, you those yet to come, really not be what we have (felt to have) been for so long in Western culture, an 'I' that is before all else, as a condition for all else, an enclosed, individual, indivisible, opaque, private, singularly rooted Me?

These practical sessions will be in dialogue with the above re-framing of 'human nature'. Through practice we are aiming at finding strategies which while belonging to performance making registers will enable us to set up conditions to examine the shifting tension between our sense of monadic 'I' and the idea of distributed self.

Can we develop a score (as Noyale suggested) and also attempt through this to create a complex map of practice in the space: a map that maps the network of the self. I am defining the 'network' that we are working with as beyond the two bodies that are moving in the space, and thus we are attempting to find a way of mapping the network that is not present in the two bodies.

Through developing the score we attempt to create a situation that activates different versions of 'self', and different memories in the participants.

Suggestions for the creation of the score:
Individually bring a (previous) movement phrase
a (new) movement phrase of repeated gestures
a 'costume'
a (self written) butoh fu
an image
an object
a text
a recount (through any medium) of a walk taken in Aberystwyth (recounting images/sensations)

Using all (or a selection) of the score ideas above, performers should attempt to perform an individual score solo, and then as a 'duet' with the other person performing their own score. We practice a range of approaches, whereby we perform our scores as solo (and the other observing); as duet; as part-solo part-duet (with the other intervening when they choose), and attempting to become increasingly immersed in the other performer as we perform our own score.

I would like to use/think about online digital identity within this.
Can we 'account' for the score and create a visual map using the paper on the wall, using the notions from the score that Noyale attached as a framework: presence levels, space relations, sensations, images, self reference, transformation, deconstruction, flashbacks.

Example of a Hijikata butoh fu:

Example of how to create a butoh-fu:

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